Dolphin Technology provides Triple Timer Counter (TTC) IP with three independent timer/counter modules that can each be clocked using either the system clock or an externally derived clock. In addition, each counter can independently pre-scale its selected clock with various counting modes.
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Design Status
Compliant with the following specifications:
AMBA, Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) Specification Version 2.0
AMBA, Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) Specification Version 2.0
AMBA, Advanced eXtensibale Bus (AXI) Specification Version 4.0
AMBA, Advanced eXtensibale Lite Bus (AXI-Lite) Specification Version 4.0
DTI TTC Controller supports:
Uses the AMBA APB protocol
Three independently programmable 32-bit timer/counters
Internal (pclk) or external (clk) clock source (one for each timer/counter)
Three interrupts, one from each timer/counter
Interrupt generated either on overflow or at regular intervals and when count matches a programmable value
32bit prescaler, for clock speed selection
Three output waveforms, one from each counter (generated using overflow or interval and Match 1 interrupts)
An event timer measures length of each external clock pulse (high or low duration)
Counters can be programable incrementing or decrementing and current value of each counters can be read at any time
Data Sheets are available under NDA